Chameleon Group begin to focus on the domestic sales market

The pandemic forced many businesses to innovate to ensure their survival and Chameleon Group was no different. Following more than a year of broad consultancy roles, we saw that the pandemic had brought with it new opportunities within the domestic housing market. Many Londoner’s saw their savings growing at an unprecedented rate due to the lockdowns, with some tenants even choosing to move to their family home to work remotely, and boost their savings even further. This created a mini-boom in domestic demand and we were fortunately positioned to start building our own databases of buyers to introduce to house builders and SME developers, using innovative social media marketing methods, and no online portals. Chameleon quickly became regarded as a trusted source for buyers to seek high-quality advice on buying their home than could be found elsewhere.


Chameleon sales surpass £100m


Chameleon Group is born